Tuesday, March 30, 2010


We didn't get the twin. Out of the 5 offers, they went with the first one they received awhile back, even though they had a cash offer and others that were pretty equivalent. I guess that's respectable of the bank, but at the same time it took a week from our offer to hear, so I have no idea how long the others were waiting. Oh well.

As much as we loved it, it was a little farther out than we liked, and it probably would have sucked up any extra money we had. Guess God just has something else in store for us. :-)

There's another place that we've been eye-ing up, so as soon as our realtor gets back from vacation we're going to see it again and then there's a very good chance that we'll put an offer in on it. This one's a short sale (what is it with us and problem properties??!?!?) so hopefully since there are actual people involved it will be a bit quicker. I don't think I can handle the pressure of waiting and waiting and waiting to hear!

We did decide that we want to stay in the West Chester area, or as close as we possibly can. Our lives revolve around the people and places there, from our ministry to our church, to our local friends. Plus, it's a mutual location to our families, which is especially important because we don't want to be to far away from our soon-to-make-her appearance niece. :-)

I can't wait to know where I'm going to be resting my head in the months and years to come. :-)

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