Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012....Better late than never

I'm a bit disappointed that Blogger had issues last year when I wrote my 1st Mother's Day post and deleted it :-( So while I can't link back to it, to compare, I have my memories. :-)

This year Mother's Day fell on May 13th which also happens to be my Nana's birthday. Her 89th to be exact.

We also had Logan dedicated at church in the morning. Then we had both our families over to our place, just like last year.
The only family shot of the day :-/ Should have taken it before we started getting everything set up

This year was gorgeous! Nice and warm and sunny. We have a ton of shade in the back, so the warmer the better :-)
Uncle Eric and big cousin Emmy

My mom trying to feed Logan watermelon

My uncle enjoying the bulgogi chicken and steak

My dad finishing lunch

Daddy giving Logan rides

Uncle Ryan

Kev and Aunt Megan playing with a fussy baby

Kev's parents enjoying dessert

Hey Momma this is the life :-)

Putting the dadda to work :-)

Good times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Logan is getting so big! I'm still car looking, but as soon as I get settled I'll let you know so we can get together! You are such a beautiful Mama :)