Thursday, September 27, 2012
16 Weeks With Baby #2
It's true. The second baby does get the shaft before even making his/her appearance in this world.
How far along: 16 weeks and 3 days! (Or 17 and 1 going by the baby measurements)
Total weight gain: As of my appointment last week I was up 3 pounds!
Baby is the size of: An avocado
What's going on with the babe: She can now hear her older brother getting yelled at. She weighs in at 3-5 oz and 4-5 inches crown to rump
Maternity clothing: I broke out the belly band once last week for my smallest sized jeans. Other than that I've wearing normal clothes still. Although I have broken out my fat pants, which are still a bit big, but are totally comfy when I have to sit :-)
Sleep: I love it :-) Chasing a toddler is a lot more exhausting than working at a desk like I did with Logan. I still wake up around 3am and have a hard time going back to sleep. I finally stopped having to get up to pee in this past week. :-)
Movement: It's happening, I just haven't felt it yet. I was about 18 weeks with Logan so I"m hoping I can feel it soon!
Cravings/Aversions: Not too much...although I really wanted pizza, and since Kevin is to weak to stand up against me wanting junk food, we stopped at Wegman's and picked up a good!
Symptoms: I feel pretty good now, except for being tired.
How this pregnancy is different than the first: I'm definitely more tired. I also don't have the cravings I did with Logan. I was addicted to bacon (which if you know me, I normally don't eat), and this time I could care less about it.
How's the big brother was this week: Good, likes to hit the baby, and is completely clueless...every time he hears someone say 'baby' he thinks they are talking about him. He's been teething, and I think we are finally almost finish! 8 teeth more or less at once is a lot to handle.
The best moment(s) of this past week: Is it bad that I can't remember this past week? My women's Bible study started, and I have an awesome group of ladies I look forward to going deeper with and getting to know this next year.
I'm looking forward to: Feeling this little one move. I think that's a huge part in actually FEELING like I'm pregnant and hauling another little being with me everywhere I go. :-)
Nice and thick looking huh? It's trying to look like a bump! I've learned that a lifetime of good posture makes it hard to make yourself look preggo...I can push it out to look like a real bump, but I have to consciencely (apparently spell check and my husband say this isn't a real word...that it should be conscientiously) do so, because it's just not natural. Although holding a toddler definitely helps to push it out :-)
I didn't do a 16 weeks update with Logan, but I did do a 17 weeks one.
***On a side note, Logan's 18 months today! Officially a year and a half!***
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Logan Tidbits
My brain doesn't function any more. I can't seem to remember anything! So I'm need to be better at keeping track of stuff on here. I started this like a month ago...time to post and start a new one I think :-)
- Logan has been a talking machine the past few months. None stop, all the time. Slowly I'm becoming better at picking real words out. Does anyone else have problems deciphering baby talk? Ball and bubbles are his 2 favorite new-ish words, and he just added (or I just picked up on) cracker. Or 'un cack-ka?'(He's been adding words all the time now, like yesterday he said 'i fart'
- Everything is a ball. He saw the moon and pointed and said ball. He wouldn't change no matter how many times we tried to tell him that it was the moon. At least when we ask about the moon he'll point to the sky :-)
We were walking through the store yesterday and he saw a box of Pepsi can and ran over yelling 'baw! baw!' I never realized that the Pepsi sign does look like a ball.
- Now that summer's over, or at least the pool's closed, we have to come up with a new routine and way to make the day go by without little man and I driving each other crazy. We've been hanging out with our neighbor since her brother is now in school full time, but think it's only a matter of time before they drive each other crazy. I think Logan thinks he part of that family.
- Since it's been warm Logan's been sleeping in just a diaper. While he can't take it off (thank goodness for cloth diapers with snaps!) he can still his hand in and come out covered in poop. Oh yeah. Real fun.
- Logan has a train that spells his name and it connects with eye hooks and a loop and he can put them together! He's very coordinated when he has the patience to sit there and not just scream for me to do it :-)
-He likes to feed himself his breakfast. Which is nice, but it results in yogurt E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E. Serious mess. But he loves it :-)
-We were at a yard sale in an up and coming neighborhood, and he saw a house that was just a frame and pointed to it and said 'uh oh it broke!' So cute and innocence.
-Yesterday (9.25.12) Logan went poopy on the potty for the 1st time! So proud of him!!! He's been pointing to the bathroom right after he goes, so he's slowly getting closer. Maybe there is hope for him to be potty trained before this next one comes around.
- He has a slight obsession with gum. Ever since he was small and found a pack of gum in the diaper bag and went to town on it. Since then, gum has slowly been hidden. Now that he's taller he's able to get into more and found some. Did I mention that he likes to chew the foil wrapper with the gum?
-Everything cracks him up. He throws his head back as far as he can and laughs. And he loves to make others laugh too! He will dance around and go crazy just for the attention.
Monday, September 10, 2012
If you're a friend in real life, or on facebook, and let's face it, if you're reading this then you probably are, then you already know.
There's a big change coming to the Reigner household next Spring!
That's right! Baby #2 is going to make his/her appearance sometime around March 10th.
I knew much earlier this time around because this baby likes to kick my butt. I could barely peel myself off the couch the first few weeks, and even now I thoroughly enjoy Logan's nap time so I can partake in my own :-) All day nausea came early, and luckily left early (by 10 weeks), but not fun! Food all seemed unappealing to me, but the only way to cut the nausea was to eat. Ugh! Riding in a car was no fun either, talk about motion sickness.
Luckily I'm all better now that I'm in the second trimester (wow I'm 1/3 through already!!!) except for some exhaustion, but come on, I'm chasing an overactive toddler all day, that's expected, right?
We had our 1st ultrasound at the end of 9 weeks and everything looks great! In fact, the baby's actually measuring 5 days ahead! I really hope that means he/she will make an earlier appearance, and not that they are going to be big!
As of my 12 week appointment I haven't gained any weight, so I'm right on track. Hoping that I can stay right at or below 30 again.
And time for the belly bump photos!
In true second child fashion I'm already 'neglecting' him by not taking proper weekly photos. I've taken photos on my phone when I can remember.
So sorry for the crappy photos, and please, please, please don't pay attention to the mess! I really do just take the photo when I think about it, no straightening up here!
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9 weeks baby bump and a little bloat |
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12 weeks baby bump |
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13 weeks baby bump and kitty photo bomb |
So that's a bit of what's been going on :-) Oh, and if you want to see what I looked like with Logan during the first trimester, photos are here. :-)
Monday, September 3, 2012
Bubble Madness
This boy is obsessed with bubbles.
As soon as breakfast is over he's asking for them! There's no stopping him. I'll even mix up a bit a dish soap with water in a cup for him to do his own bubbles.
I've learned that "miracle bubbles" are crap and bubbles you get from weddings are the best! (Seriously! If you have any you're not using send them our way! :-) )
I love the pure joy bubbles give him and his interactions with his dadda :-)
Have you played with bubbles lately?
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