Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Judah 1 Month

"Time keeps on slipping, into the future!"

Having 3 little boys makes for a very busy life and it's kind of sad that I don't have as much time to just sit and enjoy this newborn phase. I know now how quickly it goes by and Judah is such a joy that he makes it easy. 

 He is the happiest, most laid back baby ever! I might have said that about Logan, and I know Noah was laid back (and still is!) but littlest man has them both beat! I barely heard him cry this 1st month and that's with 2 older brothers who love to smother him with 'love'. He'll get a little fussy when it's time to eat or when he has gas. I cut out dairy which has seemed to help with that. 

He eats every 2 hours and just started to do a 3-4 hour stretch at night. Thankfully he's a very quick eater and goes right back to sleep at night. 

At 5 weeks he was up to 10lbs 4oz and 22.25inches long and his head is up to 15 inches. He's exactly in the 50%. 

He's wearing 0-3 and 3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. 
He loves being wore in the Moby wrap, smiling, and trying to stand. 
He doesn't like tummy time and will shimming himself across his mat. 

He celebrated his 1st Mothers Day, a fewLongwood  trips, a trip to Lancaster and a bunch of parks. 

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